faced with criticism from the Bishops, Mrs Thatcher was in no doubt about this as can be seen in her speech "sermon on the mound' to
the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in May 1988.
It was one of the most arrogant speeches she ever gave,
basically telling the church to stick to preaching about sexual morality and to
stay out of politics (social reform).
Tory MP, Nadine Dorries has recently echoed this
view in the Daily Telegraph that the Church should concentrate on saving souls
they say.
souls was what Jesus came to do but he also said “Give to Caesar what is
Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”.
called his disciples to be ‘salt and light’, metaphors for being agents for
change, stopping decay and pushing back the frontiers of darkness.
can mean different things for individual Christians and the Church.
are four important contributions the Church can bring to the political world.
The first is exercise a prophetic ministry in society.
Kenneth Kaunda, the former Zambian President, suggested “what a nation needs
more than anything else is not a Christian ruler in the palace but a Christian
prophet within earshot.” Isaiah and the other prophets in the Bible demonstrate
the wisdom of this.
Church can also serve as an agent of reconciliation in a politically divided
society so long as it avoids becoming partisan.
not only reconciled people to God but also people like Matthew the tax collector
to Simon the Zealot and this can be important in an adversarial political
system like ours.
Church has an obvious duty to spearhead prayer for the nation.
Apostles Peter
and Paul both called for Christians to pray for those in government and the
need for this continues to be obvious.
the Church has a prime responsibility to teach believers to relate our faith to
our duties as citizens of the nation as well as of the Kingdom of God.
churches pay limited attention to this aspect of discipleship it is no surprise
that we have little influence in politics and society is becoming increasingly
are all the voice of the Church, not just the Bishops.

calls for “a new kind of politics” and explores the kind of society and culture
they think we should seek.
is non-partisan and rejects the old left-right divide without succumbing to
Blair’s ‘third way’ and politics should focus on seeking the common good rather
than serving sectional interests.
the State and the market have important roles, neither has given us a more
humane society.
the letter has been attacked by politicians and the press.
The former
unfairly accuse the Bishops of naked partisanship and the latter described the
letter as an election manifesto.
is neither.
may disagree with some of its thinking and its omissions but we should welcome
this attempt to think in a ‘Christian’ way about politics and government.