Cameron promised that if the Conservatives were elected with a majority there
would be a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU) before the
end of 2017.
his motives were questioned and was this to placate the Euro-sceptics on his
backbenches or to stop a drift of voters to UKIP?
his motives there are respectable democratic reasons for giving the British
people some say on this issue now.
previous referendum on British membership was in 1975 so anyone under the age
of 58 has had no say on this matter.
the EU has grown and evolved since 1975 and the political map has changed since
1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany.
wider world has also changed under the pressures of globalisation.
arouses strong feelings in a significant number of people and let’s examine the
circumstances and motives that influenced the founding fathers of the EU in the
early post war years.
40 million people had been killed in two European wars and finding a way of
resolve disputes politically rather than militarily was urgently required and this
need was heightened by the ‘cold war’ between the USSR and the West.
1950 the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was founded to
bring together Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the
This evolved seven years later in 1957, into the European Economic Community (EEC) or ‘Common
Market’ in the Treaty of Rome.
under the leadership of Edward Heath, joined the EEC in 1973, along with two
other nations which were Denmark and Ireland.
member nations did not charge customs duties on trade with each other which
expanded their markets substantially and business interests back membership now
because it gives them access to a market of 500 million people.
the EU accounts for 20% of world GDP whereas the UK accounts for less than 3% and
when it comes to trade talks and deals the EU has greater clout than any of its
member states.
is why a Confederation of British Industry (CBI) survey of its members in 2013, found 78% favoured
membership and only 10% wanted us to leave.
Common Market was built on four pillars, the free movement of goods, services,
money and people.
movement of services is the least well developed to the UK’s detriment because
that is one of our strengths.
is the free movement of people that is the most controversial and has fuelled
support for UKIP from voters concerned about the level of immigration from
other EU member states.
of large class sizes, NHS waiting times and shortages of affordable houses
heighten these concerns.
the same time more Britons work in other EU countries or retire to them than
the numbers coming here, for example a million Britons now live in Spain.
That doesn’t settle the matter but it puts it into perspective, we need a serious national debate on Britain’s EU membership and it should be based on
accurate information rather than propaganda