the last year, Britain became one of the few countries that met the United
Nation’s target of ring fencing 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) for
overseas development aid to help poor nations
cash terms that was £11.8 billion or 7p in every £10 of taxpayers’ money and the
sum does not include charitable giving by individuals and private
contribute between 15% to 20% and the Government provides the other 80% to
giving is essentially short term humanitarian responses to specific crisis
situations and is additional to the 0.7%..
Overseas Aid is a politically divisive issue, but how does Britain spend its overseas aid budget?
Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Plaid Cymru parties back the 0.7%
Green Party want it increased to at least 1%, whilst UKIP advocated a reduction
to 0.2% and they argued that the Government’s austerity programme had left a
significant number of Britons with fuel poverty and dependent on food banks, so
two thirds of the aid budget should be reallocated domestically.
also claimed that overseas aid is often wasted, is sometimes corruptly
misappropriated, and creates dependency in recipient countries.
approximately 1.4 billion people still live in extreme poverty without
sufficient income to meet the basic requirements for life over an extended
includes food, safe drinking water, sanitation, health services, elementary
education, and shelter.
is caused by war, the concentration of wealth in the hands of corrupt
politicians and officials, tribal conflicts, colonial exploitation by rich
western countries, climate change, and droughts or flooding that destroy crops.
Bible gives us two basic principles for Christians supporting overseas aid.
we are all created in God’s image; however poorly we reflect that or even deny
If all people are made in God’s image, it is inhumane to be indifferent to a significant number of our fellow humans living in wretched conditions whilst we can afford to indulge in expensive recreational pursuits.
If all people are made in God’s image, it is inhumane to be indifferent to a significant number of our fellow humans living in wretched conditions whilst we can afford to indulge in expensive recreational pursuits.
second biblical value is the importance of relationships.
Jesus identified a priority to love one’s neighbour and meant this not in a literal geographical sense, but his parable of the Good Samaritan applied it to anyone in need, regardless of national or cultural identity.
Jesus identified a priority to love one’s neighbour and meant this not in a literal geographical sense, but his parable of the Good Samaritan applied it to anyone in need, regardless of national or cultural identity.
two principles are expressed in the Old Testament teaching about caring for
widows, orphans and foreigners in Israel because they had no economic stake in
Israelite society and were vulnerable as a result.
Proverbs 25:21 stretches the scope of this further. ‘If your enemy is hungry, give him
food to eat, if he is thirsty give him water to drink.’
prophet Isaiah made the same point when questioning what kind of fasting God
expects of us. ‘Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the
poor wanderer with shelter?’
He continued later, ‘if you spend yourself on
behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light
will rise in the darkness’.
underlined this principle when he said whatever we did for the least of his
brothers, we did him and conversely, anyone who didn't, did not do it for him.
Paul’s collection in Corinth for the victims of famine in Israel illustrates
the universal application of this principle.