Thursday, 24 December 2015

At Christmas time

We think about the birth of Jesus Christ and the impact his life had and continues to have today.

Whether you believe he was mortal or immortal it is undeniable that his teachings and leadership on peace, love, compassion and his fight for those who came last in society are things that we admire and so have celebrated ever since. 

We now see his message as a shining light in the darkness but at the time he was persecuted.

Maybe this Christmas we should think not just about celebrating Jesus Christ but celebrating his message where we see it around us today.

Let’s not just look back because today we also have people who have spoken to our hearts and gathered a great following, who are willing to put their neck on the line and fight for peace not war, who fight for equality and speak out for the poorest and most in need and who fight against the persecution of many as they are labelled scroungers on the state.

Today people like this are still persecuted themselves and called things like ‘unrealistic and not economically viable’, ‘a threat to national security’, ‘terrorist sympathizers’. But they carry on fighting for a better life for all.

Maybe in today’s world saving us from our sins means literally saving us from our own destructive behaviour such as destroying our environment so it in turn destroys us or destroying each other with bombs and guns.

Maybe this year we need to look ahead and put a little of our faith in people like David Cameron, Natalie Bennett, and Jeremy Corbyn along with so many others who are listening to us and standing up for the things that we value.

Have a Blessed and Joyous Christmas

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Living with Difference: Community, Diversity and the Common Good

On Monday 7th December 2015, a two-year interfaith commission published a report that has already caused a little bit of controversy and will continue to do so.

The Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life 150-page report actually makes for fascinating reading, the main hits which have and will be picked up by the media include the following:
  • Britain is no longer a Christian country
  • Faith schools are socially divisive and selection on the basis of faith should be cut back
  • Anglican bishops in the House of Lords should be cut back and replaced with those of other faiths and other denominations. The report states; 'The pluralist character of modern society should be reflected in national forums such as the House of Lords, so that they include a wider range of worldviews and religious traditions, and of Christian denominations other than the Church of England, as recommended by the Royal Commission on the Reform of the House of Lords'.
  • The Coronation service should include those of other faiths
  • Religious radicals should be allowed to speak in University courts
  • Thought for the Day on the BBC should include non-religious messages
  • School assemblies should be replaced by ‘time for reflection’
  • There should be a national ‘consultation’ to draw up a kind of 21st Century Magna Carta to determine what British values are
  • Where a religious organisation is best placed to deliver a social good, it should not be disadvantaged when applying for funding to do so, so long as its services are not aimed at seeking converts

The Church of England are not happy; Nicky Morgan the Education Secretary is not happy; The National Secular Society (NSS) are not happy and lots of people will be unhappy – for different reasons.

Whilst there are actually parts of the report that are helpful and suggestions that make sense.

An inter-faith group comes up with a report that recommends more inter-faith control, what a surprise!

It is a Disneyesque view of human society and religion which tells us that we are all basically the same, we all get along and it’s only the few odd bods and ‘bad guys’ who prevent us living in total harmony.

The inter faith model only works in the minds of those who essentially regard all religions as the same, all human beings as basically good and who think that if only they can get to implement their particular version of utopia then it will happen.

It is true that in one sense Britain is no longer a Christian country. 

The fact that the majority of people do not attend church (did they ever?), the increase in other religions (particularly Islam – which seems a major focus of the report) and the ever-increasing demands of secular humanism are indicators that much of Christian Britain has disappeared.

However, there is another sense in which Britain very much remains a Christian country.

That is our foundation on which we are built, it is our historical heritage and maybe, before we give up on that, we need to know what we are selling our heritage for.

The secularist nirvana and the interfaith paradise are as yet untested pipe dreams, fed to us by those already in positions of power and establishment.

For those of us who believe that Christianity is the source and therefore the best guarantee of our Western liberal democracy, it is profoundly dangerous to remove the foundations and walls, without knowing what we are going to replace them with.

The report in effect suggests replacing the Christian foundations of our society with a vague inter faith potage that is dominated by the values and principles of secular humanism.

For example, the report states that people are 'free to express their beliefs and practise a religion, providing they do not constrict the rights and freedoms of others'.

This sounds good until you ask the questions:
  • Who determines the rights and freedoms of others?
  • What about someone’s freedom to be racist?
  • What about someone’s freedom to marry whoever they want?
  • What about someone’s freedom to engage in sexual perversity?

The danger is that we end up creating a secular state where the State acts as God, and where the powerful, rich elites determine the ‘rights and freedoms' of others according to their own fashions and fancies.

Religion that is reduced to the level of a knitting group or a golf club may be harmless, but it is also fundamentally useless.

Overall, Christians especially need to be very careful before going along with this report.

Some of us may be offered a seat at the table, but that’s no use if we don’t get a say in the menu!

For example, in the section on religious worship in schools the report states: 'In this connection we applaud the joint initiative in Scotland between the Humanist Society Scotland and the Church of Scotland to work together for an inclusive ‘time for reflection’.'

Again it sounds nice, but at best it is waffle and at worst it is Orwellian distortion of the English language.

An ‘inclusive’ time for reflection is nothing of the sort, it only includes those who buy into the humanist agenda (including the humanists in the church) and excludes anyone who dares to disagree with that agenda.

Britain’s liberal democracy and its values of freedom, equality and tolerance are based upon Christianity.

This report is indicative of a well-meaning inter-faith movement that is in danger of becoming a Trojan Horse for the new ‘Human Rights’ religion of the metro-elites.

It is the poor, the marginalised and the ordinary people of this country who will suffer most if we allow our country to be taken over and destroyed by this untried, untested new faith.

Let’s stick with Jesus and his Word.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Syria air strikes

After Ten and a half hours parliamentary debate on Wednesday 2nd December 2015, which finish with Parliament voting overwhelmingly by 397 votes to 223 - a majority of 174 for the United Kingdom to take military action specifically airstrikes against Isis, Isil, IS or Daesh in Syria.

That terrorist organisation poses a direct threat to the UK and an unprecedented threat to international peace and security.

Sanctioned by the United Nations, every nation is urged to take all necessary measures to prevent terrorist acts by Isis, Isil, IS or Daesh and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria.

This comes in the wake of the Paris massacre and is only one component of a broader strategy to bring peace and stability to Syria.

That strategy includes talks on a ceasefire and a political settlement.

The Government is also committed to providing humanitarian support to Syrian refugees and planning for post-conflict stabilization and reconstruction.  

Jeremy Corbyn gave Labour MPs a free vote after clear division in the Shadow Cabinet, Corbyn opposed military action and Hilary Benn voted in favour.

One of Mr Corbyn’s allies warned that we would be ‘killing babies’ if we were to take military action.

He is right though - War kills babies, women, men, children and all living things.

Despite targeted bombing, innocent people die.

At least nineteen were killed by the US bombing of the Medicins Sans Frontieres’ hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan recently.

But even so, this is very different from starting out with the 'intention' of killing babies.

The newborn, Christ-Child threatened all Herod had and after being tricked by the Magi, Herod killed all the male children under two in and around Bethlehem.

Jesus and his family escaped, becoming refugees in Egypt, until an angel told them that those who tried to kill the child were dead, so Mary and Joseph returned to their home in Nazareth.

Similarly, and yet not so similarly to Herod, Isis, Isil, IS or Daesh kills not only babies but everyone, especially Christians.

The bombings and beheadings are indiscriminate, random and deadly. 

They are fanatical, beyond reason and warfare against them is a last resort.

All other means must be exhausted and it must be proportionate.

That means we only use the force necessary to wipe out the threat and this now has the legitimate authority of our own Parliament, but also of the United Nations.

The death of civilians is only justified if they are the unavoidable victims in attacking a military target, the goal is always and only peace.

Isis, Isil, IS or Daesh must be defeated if there is to be justice and peace in the world - not only for the inhabitants of Syria, Iraq and the rest of the Middle East.

All of us are now on the frontline - Eating, drinking, concert going and watching sports events should be without threat, in freedom and security.

People died to maintain that freedom and people will die again, as this war on terrorism affects the world.

All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing and if we wish peace, we must be prepared for war.