It's been kept shrouded in secrecy for years, there have been hints and wild rumours - whispered speculation in dark corners.
And there have been those who have made wild speculations about the timing and nature of this return. It will be soon; it will never happen.
But now we know it's definitely soon. Star Wars is coming...

The new movie, to be made by Disney, will feature the same trio of actors that were propelled to world fame through the original movie: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher - plus the original actors who appeared "costumed" as C3PO, R2D2 and Chewbacca - the big hairy Wookie.
The project is being overseen and directed by the legendary J J Abrams - who successfully and brilliantly rebooted the Star Trek franchise - taking old and tired characters and breathing new life into them.
The story of renewal and return is familiar to us as Christians.
Not just from the Old Covenant to the New - but in the coming of the Kingdom with the return of the Lord Jesus.
Now, as then, there were those who made wild claims and speculations. "Look he's here!" they said. "Look he's there!" (Matthew 24 v 23).
The Lord Jesus urges us not to believe them, and not to be distracted. To only trust information that comes from the authorised source.
And what we do know is that when the Lord is finally revealed in all his majesty, there will be no mistaking the event, or the Glory of the central character.
And we will gasp in wonder at how wise, how perfect our Father has been to wait until this precise moment to blow the final whistle on the old order of things and usher in the new.
I'm looking forward to seeing Star Wars Episode VII, but I won't be disappointed if Jesus comes back first.
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